About Us

Discover our all-in-one practice management system for your clinic.


Reach Your Practice's Full Potential

We are a one stop platform for your pet's healthcare. We believe in proactive holistic management of your pets' health. We start by making veterinary care omnipresent, simple and efficient.

Our Story

Every pet has special needs. All those needs can only be satiated with the right information at the right time. Being dedicated pet parents, the founders struggled to access their furry companion's medical history (traditionally paper-based) while travelling, which led to a delay in the dog, Genie's, treatment. The creators developed SuPaw aimed at digitising their pet's records for single-click accessibility, which then expanded to a veterinary care-based platform that was omni-present, simple, and efficient.


Reach Your Practice's Full Potential

We are a one stop platform for your pet's healthcare. We believe in proactive holistic management of your pets' health. We start by making veterinary care omni-present, simple and efficient.

Why SuPaw

With more individuals, families, groups & societies warming up to the idea of pet parenting, the gap between the demand for quality vis-à-vis the presently available healthcare and wellness programs needs overhauling. The vision is clearly etched in all that we aim to achieve: to reach every corner of the world with our dedicated offerings and ensuring a healthy pet, a happy family, & a wholesome, fulfilling experience for all!

Given our in-house technology experts, vigilance over perpetually evolving market intelligence, and exciting cross-promotional collaborations, we help brands focus their portfolio towards domestic, commercial & institutional buyers. Patterns are evaluated to help suggest the best offering to each customer, thereby personalising their respective journey & digital experience. With the centre of excellence for research & analysis in pet care on the anvil, our data-driven, animal-first, customer focused integrated digital experience enables better insight towards selecting from within all what is needed, nothing that isn't.

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